We’re not entirely sure which moronic Leftist, Democrat, Socialist, or Never Trumper started pushing the narrative that Republicans are mad at Trump and he’s somehow magically unpopular all of a sudden, but we do know it’s not working. Especially the supposed Republicans who keep showing up to town halls and pretending they have buyer’s remorse, who we all know are Democrat plants. Sort of like what they did when Glenn Youngkin was running for governor in Virginia with the fake white nationalists?
Democrats are not the brightest crayons in the box.
Some people do buy into this fake narrative, and they all seem to work at CNN. Luckily, so does Scott Jennings, and he was more than happy to school these knuckleheads about Trump’s actual popularity.
“You guys keep trying to create this fantasy land where Donald Trump is not popular, where Republicans are mad.”
“Can you name a single Democrat in Congress who is more popular than Donald Trump right now?”
Scott Jennings continues to be a nightly one man wrecking ball on CNN. pic.twitter.com/1RxOdkVZ9X
— Thomas Hern (@ThomasMHern) March 4, 2025
They can’t name one because there isn’t one. Trump’s popularity and approval ratings are at all-time highs, Americans are smiling more, and our enemies are crying more. We hate to break it to Democrats and CNN (ok, not really), but the ‘TrUmP sUpPoRtErS aRe DiSaPpOiNtEd’ nonsense is not working.
There’s nothing original or organic about Democrats.
The entire party is built on a scam. https://t.co/oU8NDlCDX6
— Keith Ainsworth (@AinsworthKeith) March 4, 2025
— Robert Kangel (@TiredGeekDad) March 4, 2025
Same, bro.
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