
They Were Woke, Now They’re BROKE! Leftists Abandon French Theatre Overrun by Migrants, Are Bankrupt – Twitchy

Back in January, we told you about a French theatre run by Lefties who let migrants stay in the theater. It was a massive virtue signal, and it backfired on those oh-so-tolerant Leftists. The migrants refused to leave and the theatre faced closure and bankruptcy.

Now, it’s confirmed: they’re abandoning the theatre and are broke:

More from The Daily Mail:

Left-wing managers of a Paris theatre occupied by hundreds of homeless African migrants are set to abandon the building because of sex-related violence.

They say the crisis at the Gaîté Lyrique – one of the French capital’s most historic arts venues – is now ‘so explosive’ that retreat by this Friday is their only option.

Some 200 mainly young men moved in last December when the management gave them free tickets to a ‘Refugees Welcome in France’ conference.

But when the conference was finished, the migrants, who mostly come from France’s former west African colonies, refused to leave the venue.

Performances were soon cancelled – losing the theatre thousands in revenue – as makeshift beds were placed around the stage and auditorium.

There are now 446 people living inside illegally, most of them claiming they are minors under the age of 18 who deserve permanent housing.

But local officials have insisted that they are adults and that most are known to the authorities and had been sleeping on the streets before entering the theatre.


Good job, Lefties. Hope the smugness you felt was worth it.

Preserve culture, that’s what.

Sometimes, you get what you deserve.

Nailed it.

This is the definition of insanity.

It’s malignant empathy coupled with a self-loathing of the West.

You know things are horrible when the Left is saying promiscuity is untenable.

Clearly, they did not share this parable with French Leftist theatre managers.

It really is.

And this writer bets you $5 that rather than change their views on migrants, these Lefties will hold a struggle session about how their whiteness and privilege caused this.

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