
Senate GOP Fights Dems To Preserve Trump’s Day-One Energy Emergency Declaration

Senate Republicans are rallying against a Democrat effort to undo the national emergency designed to unlock American energy that President Donald Trump declared on the first day of his second term.

Earlier this month, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) and Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee ranking member Martin Heinrich (D-NM) introduced a “privileged” joint resolution that seeks to “terminate” Trump’s national emergency declaration that ordered agencies to boost energy domestic production and infrastructure, claiming it would “benefit big Oil” while killing jobs, raising costs on families, and weaken economic competitiveness.

The measure is expected to get a vote this week. Republicans, who have a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber, can defeat it with a simple majority — if they stay largely united. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Mike Lee (R-UT) has been working to make that happen.

“Senate Democrats are yet again attempting to block President Trump’s efforts to secure cheaper, more reliable energy — just when America needs it most. Their message to families is clear: pay more, expect less,” Lee said in a statement. “Luckily, President Trump is committed to unleashing American energy and rescuing the country from the energy crisis that they have perpetuated. Senate Republicans won’t let Democrats delay and obstruct any longer and will ensure the President has the tools necessary to deliver the results the American people expect.”

The vote comes on the heels of the Senate passing a $340 billion budget resolution last week that, according to Chairman Lindsey Graham’s (R-SC) office, aims to “unleash” American energy by facilitating production through on- and offshore lease sales and stopping the national gas tax implemented during former President Joe Biden’s administration. All Democrats and one Republican — Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) — opposed the measure.

Majority Leader John Thune (R-SD) delivered remarks on the Senate floor on Tuesday in which he cited news articles that discussed how the United States is careening toward a situation in which it cannot meet growing power needs. He questioned why his Democrat colleagues do not see an emergency when the electric grid is on the edge.

“Thanks in substantial part to a movement to shut down fossil-fuel-fired power plants before reliable sources of clean energy are available to replace them, America is running out of power even as we face huge new power demands,” Thune said.

He added: “I realize this is an inconvenient truth to my Democrat colleagues. Why? Because it interferes with their plans to force the United States off conventional energy. If Democrats acknowledge that we are rapidly approaching an energy crisis, they might have to actually consider the consequences of their energy plans. … If we don’t take action, we are going to be facing some very serious problems in the very near future.”

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