
Elizabeth Warren Trips Hard Over Obama While on the Warpath Against Trump’s Firing of Military Leaders – Twitchy

President Trump firing the Joint Chiefs Chairman along with others has, predictably, caused the Democrats to flail and scream — something they never seem to grow tired from even though any effectiveness wore off long ago. The Left’s lawfare combined with the constant Chicken Little routine went so far that it ended up helping put Trump back into the White House for four more years. 

Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren has of course gotten her feathers ruffled over all this and would like everybody else to do the same:

A president firing military leaders is a “national security risk”? Nice try, Liz.

The Democrats are trying to say all this is a “constitutional crisis” when what’s happening is right there in the Constitution. And they didn’t say a word when the same thing happened under a Democrat:


And Trump is “un-wokifying” the military. It’s really that simple, but the Democrats have to pretend that a Commander-in-Chief making moves like this is somehow unprecedented.

Maybe Sen. Warren will remember Obama once saying “elections have consequence,” because that’s a particularly relevant reminder amid all these Democrat meltdowns.

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