The more we learn about John Brennan and the other swamp creatures, aka the 50 intelligence agents who signed off on the Hunter Biden laptop letter, the more we understand why and support Trump removing their security clearance. For years, we felt as if we were the crazies talking about the deep state and how they were working to control our elections but now that everything is out in the open, we’re finding that perhaps we weren’t so crazy after all.
Especially when you see leaked emails like this one where Brennan admits everything they were doing was to help Biden.
It’s all there, in black and white:
🚨JUST IN: A leaked email from John Brennan verifies that the 51 intelligence agents that endorsed the Hunter Biden laptop letter did it with the specific intent of enabling Biden to mislead the American public during his election campaign.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) February 1, 2025
If this doesn’t piss you guys off we don’t know what will.
Trying to give the campaign a talking point against Trump for the debate.
They never thought they’d get caught.
Shocking. Good thing his clearances were removed.
— MIKΞ STAHL (@mikeastahl) February 1, 2025
One of the smartest things Trump has done so far.
Well, that and closing the border …
Did you notice the names included Mike Rogers? The Republican who just lost his Chairmanship on the Intel Committee?
— God’s Girl (@Rachel22Queen) February 1, 2025
Goes even deeper than we thought.
Remember when the leaks all hurt Trump?
— Quaran-Tina (@superbucks2050) February 2, 2025
It’s fun seeing the leaks go the OTHER way for a change, ain’t it?
Democrats Have Decided They NEVER Want to Win an Election Again and Their DNC Chair Pick Proves It
Journo Shares Text from Democrat Campaign Vet Revealing the REAL State of the DNC and LOL-HOOBOY